This page is intended to keep track of changes througout TIPZOO history.

Major version numbers (e.g. 1.0, 2.0, etc.) indicate potentially incompatible releases (cf. release notes for details).
Minor version numbers (e.g. 1.1, 1.2, etc.) include patches and fixes that can be simply applied using the built-in tool in TIPZOO (cf. manual).


  • version 1.0: released 16 April 2020; TIPZOO-FMP FileMaker file (.fmp12, 16.6 Mo)
    Original version published with the accompanying paper.
  • version 1.1: released 21 September 2020; TIPZOO-FMP FileMaker file (.fmp12, 16.6 Mo)
    -- addition of « non-mammal bones » (new button on the BASE layout, and new layout) for the basic recording of bird, fish and mollusk skeletal elements that could not be recorded in the original TIPZOO.
    -- addition in the SPECIES layout of a new panel with several tabs, in order to allow the selection of a wider range of taxa, with codes for arctic mammals, some birds, fish and mollusk species.
    -- addition in the SPECIES layout of an "Other..." option that allows entering taxonomic information for species that are not yet included in TIPZOO.
  • version 1.2: released 5 January 2021; TIPZOO-FMP FileMaker file (.fmp12, 16.7 Mo)
    -- addition in the SPECIES layout of two new tabs, with codes for African carnivore and herbivore mammal species.
  • version 1.3: released 23 November 2021; TIPZOO-FMP FileMaker file (.fmp12, 16.7 Mo)
    -- addition in the SPECIES layout of a new tab, with codes for domestic taxa.
    -- addition of a detailed list of codes for mammal species in the manual.
    -- modification of the code for Canis familiaris (previously CAN, now CANF).
    -- correction of a bug that allowed the user to enter a cut-mark code for a fragment that was not identified anatomically.
  • version 2.0: released 21 January 2022; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 15.0 Mo)
    Important note: as of 2.0, TIPZOO-FMP works not only with the .fmp12 file, but also with foldes (/img and /save). To use it, simply unpack the .zip and open the .fmp12.
    -- addition of an "auto save" button on the main menu to facilitate database handling and backup
    -- modification of the BASE layout in order to add more pre-set values for the size classes, making it more easy to enter large pieces
    -- addition of a BoneColor variable (and its configuration menus), including a user-friendly interface that allows one to create its own color codes (specific for each site), potentially with example images (automatically saved in the /img folder). If you convert a 1.X database to TIPZOO 2.0 and want to try the bone colors, please check in the settings that "Default" is selected as a bone color group.
    -- correction of a bug on the Species layout (the ObsTaxon was trying to launch an unknown script)
    -- modification of the Skull layout, so that the ToothCreator is hidden when a value is not selected in the "Lower/Upper/?" section
    -- addition, on the SBN layout, of information on the side of the bones represented on figures, in order to facilitate quick identification
    -- modification of the Skull layout so that it is possible to enter a cranium fragment that has a portion of antler or horn core attached to it
  • version 2.1: released 9 February 2022; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 15.0 Mo)
    -- addition of a new button in the Settings panel to allow the edition of the next unique ID numbers automatically generated by TIPZOO-FMP. This allows the use of TIPZOO by two (or more) different people for data acquisition on the same collection (cf. Manual).
    -- addition of a BoneColor box on the TAPHO layout, in order to be able to edit BoneColor values while entering taphonomic data without going back to the BASE layout (next to the "Burnt" box created for the same purpose).
    -- correction of a visual bug on the SKULL layout due to changes in version 2.0.
    -- correction of a visual bug on the BASE layout that made the "more values..." button for size classes still visible when size was de-activated in the settings.
    -- modification of the "saving a copy" button so that it automatically creates a "saves" folder in case the user has accidentally deleted it.
    -- modification of all the "export" buttons so that the files are automatically named and placed in an /export folder (that is automatically created if necessary).
    -- modification of the "export CUT", "export NDE" and "export Teeth" buttons so that, when no taxon is selected, all records are exported.
    -- modification of the "export CUT", "export NDE" and "export Teeth" buttons so that, when no data is available, the script is halted.
    -- addition in the manual of information on how to use TIPZOO for the first time, and how to use TIPZOO with two people doing the data acquisition.
  • version 3.0: released 15 April 2022; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 15.0 Mo)
    -- addition of two "export ALL DATA" buttons that allows the automatic export of all TIPZOO data tables in .xlsx and .csv formats
    -- addition of a "Postcanine" option in the Tooth class selection menu for phocid teeth
    -- corrected a bug with the "import records from another TIPZOO database" that did not import bone color settings
    -- addition of a button on the bottom-left of the BASE layout to allow the quick creation of records in an external connected FileMaker file: this will allow much easier customization by users, if they want to add new options to TIPZOO
  • version 3.1: released 20 April 2023; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 15.0 Mo)
    -- new feature: addition of a new box, on the BASE layout, that counts the number of corresponding records that are found in the SPATIAL database. This allows for the search and correction of duplicates (e.g. when there are two objects with the same field ID in the SPATIAL database). The box will turn red if there are more than one corresponding record, and a message will be displayed (edition of the "CheckingBase" script).
    -- correction of a visual bug, on the FBN layout, that made the NDE boxes for the scapula of Bovid-Cervid invisible after selection.
    -- correction of a typo in the SPECIES layout (and in the manual). The code for Acinonyx sp. is now ACIN, instead of ACYN.
  • version 4.0: released 1 March 2024; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 17.0 Mo)
    Major modifications, affecting the database, and requiring intervention from the user prior to an update:
    -- corrected a bug where the equid trapezoid NDE was recorded as 64trap instead of 64trapz (this problem was due to a typo in the Morin et al. 2019 paper). This correction means that, before switching to version 4, you should check if you have 64trap recorded for equid bones in your database, and convert them to 64trapz prior to switching to TIPZOO v4.0
    Modifications not affecting the database (no need to worry while switching verions):
    -- integration of NDEs for suiforms, ursids and other carnivores (as defined in Morin et al. 2019)
    -- creation of a BIRD layout, and better integration of codes for entering info on bird bones
    -- modification of the scale of TIPZOO (now better adapted to typical screen size currently used by several users), which allows for more space
    -- modifications in several layouts of the "esthetics" of TIPZOO
    -- on the Export layout, modification of the EXPORT_ALL csv and EXPORT_ALL XLSX buttons so that they display a message at the end of the export process
    -- on the Tapho layout, addition of a "reset bone color" button, in order to be able to reset the bone color without going back to the Base layout
    -- on the Tapho layout, correction of a bug where the "cut-mark code" was visible for hyoid bones, and potentially causing a crash when hit
    -- on the CutMT layout, correction of an error in the table describing Metatarsal cutmarks, in which Mts a a' a''' were marked on face P instead of M
    -- on the CutMC layout,correction of an error in the table describing Metacarpal cutmarks, in which Mcp-e was marked with no face instead of P
    -- on the LBN layout, added a graphical conditionnal formating (box turning blue) for indeterminate metapodials and vestigial metapodials to facilitate recording
    -- on the SBN layout, added a graphical conditionnal formating (box turning blue) for indeterminate carpals to facilitate recording
    -- on the SBN layout, added a button to enter indeterminate tarsals
    -- on the SBN layout, reorganisation of the carpal bones so that they are represented by anatomical carpal rows
    -- on the FBN layout, corrected a bug where the red "checked" mark was dissapearing after entering an NDE (graphic bug)
    -- on the Skull layout, corrected a bug where the red "checked" mark was dissapearing after entering an NDE for antlers (graphic bug)
  • version 4.1: released 11 March 2024; TIPZOO-FMP zip file (.zip, 17.0 Mo)
    Modifications not affecting the database (no need to worry while switching versions):
    -- on the FBN layout, corrected a bug that made NDEs for several vertebras invisible to the user (graphical glitch, not affecting the database)
    -- on the Base layout, moved the BoneColor reset button so that it is more easily useable (only visible when a color is entered)
    -- addition on the Main menu of the BASE "DateModif" in the list of records (this allows for an easier understanding of which records were entered/modified recently)
    -- some minor changes on the aesthetics of the Main menu layout


  • version 1: released 16 April 2020; TIPZOO-R scripts and data (.zip, 36.2 ko)
    Original version published with the accompanying paper.
  • version 2: released 8 June 2021; TIPZOO-R scripts and data (.zip, 36.2 ko)
    Simplification of the code and debugging.
  • version 3: released 9 February 2022; TIPZOO-R scripts and data (.zip, 20.9 ko)
    -- correction of important bugs with the NDE and CUT scripts that did not allow the analysis of datasets that included only one group (e.g. one layer), or had no group info at all
    -- modification of the TAPHO scripts in order to integrate the BoneColor variable added in TIPZOO-FMP 2.0
    -- slight modification of the NDE and CUT scripts to import the default filenames created by TIPZOO-FMP for reindeer
    -- added the possibility to create barchart for other variables (function bar_createPercentage), such as BoneColor
  • version 4: released 7 April 2023; TIPZOO-R scripts and data (.zip, 127 ko)
    -- addition of a ref_data_README file in order to compile information about the reference datasets included in TIPZOO-R, including the names of the people that generously contributed data
    -- addition of NDE referential data (number of landmarks per skeleton) for Bovinae, Caprinae and Suids
    -- addition of SFUI referential data for Reindeer and Wild Boar, and adaptation of the R scripts to analyse MAU-SFUI relationships
    -- addition of bone density referential data for Bison, Equids, Sheep and Pig
    -- addition of marrow cavity volumes and meat weights for Horse
    -- addition, in the for_import/data_structure_examples of Excel spreadsheets that show the typical data structure of files automatically exported by TIPZOO-FMP
  • version 5: released 20 April 2023; TIPZOO-R scripts and data (.zip, 127 ko)
    -- addition of NDE referential data (number of landmarks per skeleton, without measurements) for Horse and Red deer
    -- correction of the description of NDE landmark 28 for Bovinae, Caprinae and Reindeer: changed to MTdsh (previously incorrectly marked as MTpsh)
    -- simplification of density values to 3 decimals after comma