The three components of TIPZOO as well as its instruction manual can be downloaded below.

If you use this software, please cite: Discamps, E. 2021. “TIPZOO: A Touchscreen Interface for Palaeolithic Zooarchaeology. Making Data Entry and Analysis Easier, Faster, and More Reliable?” Peer Community Journal, 1:e67,

User feedback is essential to improve the tool, so please do not hesitate to contact me at emmanuel (dot) discamps (at) cnrs (dot) fr for any question or request!
Additionnaly, you can subscribe to TIPZOO mailing list here, to ask for support or get news updates.




TIPZOO manual:

TIPZOO manual (.pdf, 1.51 Mo)

Image credits: FileMaker logo by FileMaker Inc. (Apple), R logo by Hadley Wickham and others at RStudio, QGIS logo by Antigraser, Instruction Manual image by ilyaliren (Getty Images/iStockphoto).