TIPZOO (Touchscreen Interface for Palaeolithic Zooarchaeology), is based on:
  • TIPZOO-FMP: its core element, a FileMaker solution connected to a relational database specifically designed for bone recording (identifications, taphonomic observations, minimum number of elements, refits, etc.), with a graphical and touchscreen interface adapted for tablets ;
  • TIPZOO-R: R scripts for analysis and statistical processing of the preformatted data exported by TIPZOO-FMP, linked with a collection of pre-entered archaeozoological reference datasets (amount of bone occurrences per skeleton, bone mineral density values, food utility marrow indices, etc.) ;
  • TIPZOO-QGIS: QGIS project and shapefiles designed for quick and easy representation of skeletal-part profiles on skeleton outlines, using preformatted data exported by TIPZOO-R.

Many different types of information can be recorded or imported in TIPZOO: general site information, field data (XYZ coordinates, layers, etc.), basic information on a fragment (field ID number, size, etc.), refits between fragments, skeletal detailed identification (element, portion, estimated age, use wear, anatomical landmarks, etc.), taxonomic identifications, taphonomic observations (including bone surface modifications), cut-mark codes (according to their orientation and location), and Minimal Number of Element values. More information on what exactly can be recorded in TIPZOO is provided in this article and the 26-page manual.